
Estate Planning for Second Marriages

  • Tips for Estate Planning as a Business Owner
    Tips for Estate Planning as a Business Owner
    As a business owner, you dedicate your time, energy, and resources to building and growing your company. However, it is equally important to plan for the future and protect the legacy you have worked so hard to create. Estate planning plays a crucial role in ensuring a smooth transition of
  • What Happens If Someone Dies Without a Will?
    What Happens If Someone Dies Without a Will?
    Losing a loved one is an emotional and challenging time for any family. Unfortunately, when someone passes away without a will, the situation can become even more complicated. In the state of Missouri, the laws of intestacy come into play, dictating how the deceased person's assets will be distributed. In
  • Reasons to Modify a Living Trust, and How to Do It
    Reasons to Modify a Living Trust, and How to Do It
    As life circumstances change, it's important to periodically review and modify estate planning documents to ensure that they continue to meet your needs and goals. One commonly used estate planning tool is the living trust, which allows individuals to pass assets to their heirs while avoiding the time and expense
  • What Are the Rights of Beneficiaries?
    What Are the Rights of Beneficiaries?
    As you create your estate plan, it's important to consider the rights of your beneficiaries. These individuals have a vested interest in your assets and property, and they may have legal rights that you need to be aware of. In this article, we'll explore the rights of beneficiaries and what
  • What to Look For in an Estate Planning Attorney in Missouri
    What to Look For in an Estate Planning Attorney in Missouri
    Estate planning is an important aspect of ensuring your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes. When seeking an estate planning attorney in Missouri, it's important to find someone who understands the unique laws and regulations of the state. At Polaris Estate Planning & Elder Law, we serve